"King Richard"...the story of a sports family who defied the impossible!
King Richard, Richard Williams, Will Smith, Serena and Venus Williams King Richard, which launched this week in the United States, is based on the third character, Richard Williams, father of two sisters, coach, and director, who played by actor Will Smith. And is predicted. That will be his third time Oscar nominated and maybe his first time to win an Oscar!. Will Smith "fell in love with Richard Williams" a long time ago, when he saw him come to the rescue of his 14-year-old daughter Venus during an interview he was giving to a journalist who was persistent in his questions. In an online press conference, the actor explained that "the image of Venus's facial expressions that moment is engraved" in his heart. "I knew I wanted to show the world, a father who would protect his daughter in this way," said Will Smith, who is also the producer of this feature film from Warren Brothers. "King Richard" follows the astonishing rise of champions Se...