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The Boston strangler,killed 13 women and was obsessed with sex!

 Boston strangle,keira knightley

Boston strangle,keira knightley

Two years in which terror and fear inhabited the corners of the city of Boston. The stillness of this quiet city, whose residents adhere to the teachings of the Church, was not broken except by the brutal killing of 13 women in the most famous serial crime in the United States, and the killer was known as the "Boston strangler."

Between 1962 and 1964, one crime after another, began with a woman in her mid-50s, called "Anna Sleszer", whose body was found lying on the kitchen floor in her small apartment, with her clothes torn, showing signs of brutal and sadistic assault using sharp instruments, strangled with a belt. The bathrobe", which she was wearing, and the criminal investigation men found traces of bruises and scratches around her neck, and the investigations and criminal investigations at the time were not as strong as they are now, so the identity of the killer was not identified, especially with the absence of witnesses or any evidence.

The newspapers dealt with the details of the successive crimes of the "butcher of women in Boston", with some denunciations and talk about the poor performance of the police, and two other victims fell.

Until these crimes stopped for 3 months, until one of the girls was surprised by the body of her 20-year-old roommate, as she was assaulted and killed in the same way as the elderly woman in her apartment, which added to the confusion of the investigation men, as the killer was targeting lonely elderly women.

Due to the lack of methods of detection and analysis, the investigation men did not reach a conclusion, despite the availability of a lot of evidence, such as fingerprints, blood, and semen, until the "butcher" decided to announce his identity, and a lawyer submitted an offer to the US Investigation Department, to his client, "Albert De Salvo", admitting the details His crimes, even though his name was from the beginning on the list of suspects.

De Salvo was detained in a psychiatric hospital after he committed brutal murders and rapes. He confessed to the Boston crimes, wrote his confession and turned himself in to the police. It was the first serial killing in which the perpetrator surrendered himself and confessed to his crimes in detail without equivocation.

After he confessed the details of his crimes in Boston, he was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment instead of execution, until the case was closed, after he retracted his confessions. But 6 years later, De Salvo was stabbed to death in his cell, and no one knew who killed him!

After 50 years, these DNA tests proved that "De Salvo" is the "source of the sperm", which was found on the last victim, and in the statement issued by the American police, she said: "It is the first time that the security forces confirm that he is behind One of the killings," for which he claimed responsibility before withdrawing his confessions.
The Boston strangler,killed 13 women and was obsessed with sex!

The film tells the story of journalist Loretta McLoughlin, who tries hard as much as possible to search for the common factor between all the crimes that occurred in the American city of Boston in order to take a scoop after that she publishes the news, but she is subjected to some harassment by the head of the newspaper, who is also subjected to a barrage of criticism from the dean Boston Police regarding an article published by correspondent Loretta, and the reason is the absence of reliable sources, as well as the absence of a common factor between the crimes.

To continue searching for the truth and the identity of the serial killer who terrorized the American city of Boston. Another journalist named "Jane Cole" is also present to help her with the article and collect enough information about the four crimes and the common factor between them.

Then the criminal who impersonates or pretends to be a "maintenance worker" comes out, then he enters their homes normally, only to return and kill this time five girls, all of them in the prime of their lives, in the same way he killed the four victims, which is suffocation to death without leaving any evidence... Here begins the journalist Loretta McLoughlin and Jane search into the past of the five girls, hoping to find a clue that will lead them to the killer....

What I liked is that finally, after a long wait in the cinema, and getting confused about the films that were recently released, between vulgar films or films that do not rise to the level. Finally, I enjoyed this year's work of script, directing and acting.


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