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Millions of admirers of Harry Potter star Emma Watson's defense of Palestine !

Emma Watson , Emma Watson defense of Palestine, Israel's attack on Emma Watson, Palestine, Israel

The Guardian newspaper commented on the attack on film star Emma Watson, who played "Hermione Granger" in the "Harry Potter" series, as being caused by positions in support of the Palestinian cause. A pro-Palestinian Instagram post led to the usual accusations of anti-Semitism.

The newspaper said that the most severe attack on Watson came from the former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, who held ministerial positions in Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, such as the Minister of Science. Arts and culture correspondent Nadia Kumami said that Watson’s “crime” was to post a picture of a Palestinian protest on her Instagram account with a banner bearing the phrase “Solidarity is an act”.

While Watson’s post was widely supported by pro-Palestinian activists, it was criticized by Israeli officials, most notably Danon, who shared the post in a tweet with the comment: “10 Gryffindor Points confirm anti-Semitism,” referring to Hermione’s home or class at the Hogwarts School of Magic. “. The current Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, criticized the publication, writing: “The novel may be successful in Harry Potter, but it will not work in reality.” He added, "If it is successful, the magic used in the fantasy world can erase the evils of Hamas, which oppresses women and wants to destroy Israel and the national authority that supports terrorism."

Danon's comments drew backlash, including Leah Greenberg, director of the Invisible Project, a non-profit organization set up in 2016 in response to the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, writing that Danon's comment is "a true example of anti-Semitism being weaponised, for self-interest and ill intent, and silencing basic expression." Solidarity with the Palestinian people.

A prominent Conservative leader and member of the British House of Lords, Lady Warsey, said Danon's comments were "terrible" and "all attempts to stifle support for the Palestinians must stop." Watson is one of the well-known activists in the defense of women's issues and has a platform in support of an important group of rights, in the form of her being placed on Time magazine's list of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2015.

In 2014, she was appointed as a goodwill ambassador to the United Nations and gave a speech at the headquarters in New York to announce the "He for Her" campaign. A year later, activist Malala Yousafzai told Watson that she had decided to consider herself a feminist after her speech at the United Nations. In 2019, Watson was appointed to the Group of Seven Advisory Group on Women's Rights and advise leaders on foreign policy.

Watson gave activists during last year's climate summit in Glasgow "COP26" access to her Instagram account, and personal information on her account still indicates that it is "under the management of Feminist Collective". And the picture that Watson published is that prepared by the "Bad Active Collective" group during the confrontations in which Israel bombed Gaza, and during this period a number of well-known stars expressed their support for the Palestinians, including Bella Hadid, Susan Sarandon and Dua Lipa.

And the quote from researcher Ahmed is: “Solidarity does not mean that our struggle is the same, or that our pain is the same, or that our hope is for one future. Solidarity requires commitment and action as well as recognition, even if we do not have the same feelings or live the same lives or bodies, but we live on common ground.

Watson's post was "liked" by one million users, and 100,000 comments, some of which bore the Palestinian or Israeli flag.

It should be noted that the basic principles of human rights are the right of expression and freedom of opinionŲ© Moreover, the occupying Zionists do not represent the Jews. Many Jews live around the world and do not occupy anyone's land. They have not terrorized children, women and the elderly, and they have not expelled anyone from their land. Then the Zionists believe in the purity of the race just like the Nazis.


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