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The Korean series Squid Game get high ratings and become the most watched on Netflix !

 Squid Game series2021, Netflix Squid Game. 

Well, let's play together. It is simple, all it takes is for us to raise a coin to the sky. If the picture comes, I will get two hundred dollars from you. If the writing comes, you will get two hundred dollars from me. It is a fair game. I'll get your bag, or your dinner, or I may demand your clothes, or I may let you go at my mercy, you who decided to play with no money, I did no offense to you, did I?

In the Korean series “Squid Game”, released on the “Netflix” platform in September 2021, 465 people apply to participate in a very strange competition, which includes six games, the winner passes to the next game and the loser dies, there are several rules of the game, including that whoever reaches the The end gets a huge amount of money, and if the majority agree to stop playing, the game ends and everyone goes home empty-handed.

This actually happens after the panic that affects everyone after the first game, but the choice of players to participate was smart, they are not any people, but a group of those who were burdened with debts, when they returned to their normal lives and were pressured again, they decided again to play with the knowledge that they had They die, some games involve competing with others, and therefore you will always have the choice between dying and the one standing in front of you die, and here the most despicable human selfish qualities appear, and our players turn into animals that eat each other, until one last player remains.

Is man really his brother's wolf !, as the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes said several centuries ago! This is the opinion of the game makers, if you object to them they will tell you it is a fair game, you don't play once, you come back twice, and the second time it was clear that in order to get through to the next game you might have to kill your brother (colleague), or at least let him be killed Instead of you, and he also knows the same rules, but you decide to continue down the abyss.

The Korean series, Squid Game, topped the global search platforms, days after the first season was released , and the Korean drama quickly proved its value, and the producing company announced a second season to work shortly after its launch.

According to a report published by the newspaper bloomberg, the Korean series "Squid Game" ranked first in the United States of America, along with 90 other countries. As an effect of a dramatic work that was watched during the past days, the shares of the company producing the series increased by more than 70% during the past trading sessions, after the high rates of viewing the series.

The Netflix platform also reported that Squid Game series has become the most watched series in the history of the platform, surpassing the Spanish series "La Casa de Pabel".

Many critics likened the story of the series to the famous movie series "The Hunger Games", and indeed it is ,in terms of the rules of the game that the loser is sentenced to death and there is one winner in the end. But in fact, it was the Japanese series "Alice in Borderland " that took precedence in the established game concepts. Also, the Japanese series outperforms the Korean series  " Squid Game "through its story, bloodiness and suspense.


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