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The most effective COVID 19 vaccine !

COVID 19 vaccine . Delta 
pfizer / sputanik 5 / janssen  

Vaccines against COVID-19 (coronavirus) may be the best hope for ending this pandemic. but you may have some questions about its mechanism of action, its possible side effects, and the importance of continuing to apply infection prevention precautions. but in the end, there is no vaccine better than another, all vaccines are good and effective in protecting against corona and from deaths and severe disease suffering from Covid-19.

What are the most effective COVID-19 vaccines approved by the competent authorities?

1/ Pfizer-Biontech Vaccine 

Developed by the American company "Pfizer" and its partner, the German "Biontech", it works on the technology of "messenger RNA" or "mRNA", a molecule that tells our cells what to make. 
This vaccine is injected into the body, and it introduces this molecule that controls the mechanism for manufacturing a specific coronavirus antigen "spike", a very special tip on its surface that allows it to stick to human cells for penetration. This spike will then be detected by the immune system, which will produce the antibodies, and these antibodies will remain for a certain period of time.
It is very effective for people whose immune response is weak, such as those suffering from obesity, kidney disease, diabetes and those receiving treatment for cancer.
The effect of the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine is also stronger in the elderly, but the chances of side effects are greater.

And he indicated that the side effects are clearer with the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, and they are in the form of pain and swelling at the place of receiving the injection, pain in the body and high temperature, but none of these symptoms poses a threat to the recipient of the vaccine.

 2/ Sputnik 5 vaccine

The world's first registered vaccine based on the well-studied human adenovirus vector platform, which has been adopted in 69 countries with a population of more than 3.7 billion people, which represents about half of the world's population. They were vaccinated with both components of the vaccine from December 5, 2020 to March 31, 2021.
The vaccine is effective against new strains of the Corona virus, according to studies from the Gamalia National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology published in the prestigious international journal Vaccines. Vaccination is like this
It is noteworthy that the Russian "Sputnik-V" vaccine has been registered in 68 countries with a population of 3.7 billion people. And it occupies the second place in the world in terms of the number of countries that registered it. Its effectiveness reached 97.6%, which exceeds the 91.6% effectiveness index announced by the scientific journal "The Lancet".
Studies conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research have confirmed the effectiveness of all vaccines used by India against the “Delta” strain of the Corona virus, including the Russian “Sputnik-V” vaccine.

3/Janssen/Johnson & Johnson Vaccine 

In clinical trials, this vaccine was 66% effective in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 infection, 14 days after receiving the vaccine. The vaccine was also 85% effective in preventing severe Covid-19.
A recent study indicated that many people who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine may need to obtain an additional dose, either from it or from other vaccines, due to its low efficiency in resisting coronavirus variants.
According to the New York Times, the results of this recent study are consistent with previous reviews of the performance of a similar AstraZeneca vaccine against the delta variant, which found an efficacy rate of about 33% against this variant.
More recently, there have been other concerns about the vaccine causing blood clots and a rare neurological syndrome, as well as contamination problems at a factory in Baltimore.
The European Union's drug watchdog said it had added a rare neurological disorder known as "Guillain-Barre syndrome" as a possible side effect of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine against Covid-19 after reviewing 108 cases registered worldwide.

4/ AstraZeneca vaccine

What distinguishes the AstraZeneca vaccine is that it uses more traditional technology than the two competing vaccines, which makes it less expensive and easier to store, as it does not need to be kept at a low temperature. It caused an outbreak of new infections in Britain.
AstraZeneca's vaccine is based on a "viral vector", meaning that it is based on another virus, an adenovirus common among monkeys, that has been modified and adapted to combat the emerging corona virus.

Delta strain has become the most common strain of COVID-19. They are probably easier to spread than other breeds. while research indicates that COVID-19 vaccines are slightly less effective against mutated strains, vaccines still appear to be able to provide protection against infection with severe cases of COVID-19.


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