House of Gucci starring Lady gaga, Adam Driver
American biographical crime film directed by Ridley Scott, based on the 2001 book "The House of Gucci" the thrilling story of murder, madness, glamour, and greed by Sara Gay Forden. It will be released on November 24th in the end of this year.
The 1995 Italian biographical film follows the story of Patrizia Reggiani, an Italian socialite played by Gaga, who is sentenced to 29 years in prison after marrying a fashion king for plotting to murder husband Maurizio Gucci (Adam Driver), the heir to the Gucci empire.
Singer Lady Gaga participated. Adam Driver stars in this thriller about the family tragedy behind the iconic fashion brand Gucci.the official announcement of the movie was launched last night with the participation of the official posters showing all the heroes of this cinematic work (Lady Gaga. Adam Driver. El Pacino. Jared Leto and Jeremy Irons.) a thrilling story of murder, madness, magic and greed.
Although the film has so far received great acclaim from the audience, even before its release. but we cannot judge it by the presence of the heroes of the Hollywood scene only. We'll have to wait for the movie's release in November to judge the full action! Especially in terms of the Gucci family (the family the movie is about) it's worth noting that in April, "Gucci's granddaughter Patricia Gucci" told the Associated Press that she was concerned that the movie "goes beyond the headline-grabbing true crime story and moves into the private lives of Guccio Gucci's heirs." ".
She continued, "We are really disappointed. I speak on behalf of the family. they steal a family's identity to make a profit, to increase the income of the Hollywood system. ... Our family has identity and privacy. we can talk about everything. but there is a limit that cannot be crossed."
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