Homeless are the most affected by the Covid19
Homeless are the most affected by the Covid19
Half a million people on Earth are infected with Coronavirus
Today we will reach 500,000 infected people worldwide, Which means half a million of the world's population. as the World Health Organization recorded.
It is true that the recorded numbers indicate 500,000 people infected, but what about the countries that hide the true percentage of people infected with the virus?
Because many countries are very conservative in the number of confirmed infections and other countries do not have sufficient laboratories to detect all suspected cases.
For example, there are countries with only one institute in countries with 40 million citizens or more .
responsible for detecting the virus.
Of course, the state will not be able to impose laws on other citizens, even if it is a mighty state. In the ten citizens, there is always someone who walks against the laws.
Even if it is possible, I suspect that the only victim in the Corona pandemic is the homeless and the poor without shelter.
Because they are the only ones affected by the virus, as they have no shelter to impose themselves on quarantine, and they are also vulnerable to all people abroad.
The hypothesis that there is infected with the virus who offered money to a vagrant after he sneezed on it is very possible.
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