"Spiderhead" Another commercial movie from Netflix!
Spiderhead , Netflix, Chris Hemswworth After the success achieved by director Joseph Kosinsky in directing the movie "Top Gun Maverick", which grossed more than 800 million dollars. The film now ranks as the highest-grossing film of Tom Cruise's career. "Top Gun: Maverick" is also currently the highest-grossing movie of the year in North America, reinforcing Tom Cruise's quote "make something worth watching and people will come." Based on the short story by Saunders "Escape from Spiderhead but given a distinct stench by self-amused “Deadpool” screenwriters Rhett Rheese and Paul Wernick, “Spiderhead” strives for a disquieting quirkiness. But whatever “Spiderhead” is trying to sneak inside its drama, doesn’t shine bright enough. The movie can be so backwards that even its lead can seems out of place.it’s initially interesting to see Hemsworth play someone as disarming as he is manipulative, but he becomes a heavy handed expression of the movi...