The geniuses of science and technology are implicated in the Covid_19 incident (Dr. Fucci, Bill Gates .....)

The geniuses of science and technology are implicated in the Covid19 incident ( Dr. Fucci, Bill Gates.....) After the latest developments in the coronavirus in the world. and the doubts about the real numbers of the infected / dead people ( if the numbers are really represent the infected /dead people of this virus!) Fingered of accusations and facts appear gradually to expose the ideology of this virus’s functioning and its penetration of the international system and the impact of its continuous news on the human mind. The popular American hero for American citizens and even outside America, whose number of Americans who trust him has become more than the number of those who trust their country's president about the Covid-19 pandemic! The hero in the eyes of his fans, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and the most promine...