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Review: The Dark series dominates the makers of 1899 in every detail !

 1899 series, 1899 Netflix, Dark makers

Review: The Dark series dominates the makers of 1899 in every detail !

Art has tastes that people do not like, but that does not mean that they do not understand the meaning.

From my humble point of view, I have always made it clear that the German Dark series is for me the best series in the history of series in everything from a story with its plot, to a cinematography of colors and shooting angles, to music, to acting, and it is one of the most exciting series that I have seen in my life, because of the state of mental euphoria that I feel. He does this for me, of course, thanks to the author and producer (Yanchi Frishi) and the director and writer (Baron Bo Udar).

The 1899 series tells about a steamship with a mixed group of immigrants from different races united by one hope for a better life. They move from (London) in (the old continent), which is meant here (Europe), and they are heading to the New World to (New York), but they deviate from their path. Halfway through, due to a distress signal that their devices receive from the Prometheus, another ship has lost its way in the open ocean. 

Out of curiosity and the desire to investigate, they will see what is in this ship and the reason for its presence in the unknown place. Because it is a ship that was supposed to have been missing for several months without any trace. And suddenly it appeared, and what they will discover on board is the one who will turn their journey upside down and turn from a safe and promising journey into an everlasting nightmare.

A new and unique idea, but not as great as Dark!

Review: The Dark series dominates the makers of 1899 in every detail !

Perhaps the negative point that the series will suffer from in the evaluation by the audience is its comparison to the previous work of the authors Dark.

Not because the 1899 screenwriters are the same as Dark writers, so it is necessary and conditional that 1899 be strong. Personally, I liked the series, but it was not as wonderful and strong as Dark. i remember when I watched Dark for the first time, I had an explosion in my brain, astonishment and shock from the magnificence of the text, the strength of the plot, the awesome mastery of every detail, great music and directing with a new vision. We got to know the drama industry in Germany and discovered They can compete with the Americans in terms of content and technology.

This thing I did not feel with 1899, I kept feeling that it was a new part of Dark because the spirit itself and the style that they served is similar to the style and spirit of 1899.

Even when I saw the scenes of filming the series, regardless, it was a very, very huge job
But you will notice that even the writers are making mistakes and saying “dark” in the middle of the words, and then they realize that they are wrong.

Points of strength and weakness!

Review: The Dark series dominates the makers of 1899 in every detail !

The beginning of the series with the first episode was strong, raising many questions, as we got to know the main character, Maura Franklin, a brain doctor. With the continuation of the events and getting to know the rest of the characters, we notice a beautiful multiplicity of languages ​​​​used in English, German, Spanish, French and Japanese, although it is illogical That the multilingual crew understand each other somehow! 
But the harmony between them is amazing. We also find that most of the characters are trying to escape to New York for reasons that have not yet been revealed.

The photography with the soundtrack is very beautiful and makes you live in the mood of mystery + horror.
Of course, this series will open room for theories that will not be finished.The characters of the series are very famous and needless to be introduced, and this is also one of the reasons why we accepted the series from the first episode, in addition to the mysterious story that attracts anyone.

The ambiguous end of the first season left its threads to attract the viewer to wait for the rest of the seasons.

Episodes titles:

The series was downloaded in its entirety at once, 8 episodes, together as follows:
1. The ship
2. The boy
3. The fog
4. The fight 
5. the calling
6. The pyramid
7. The storm
8. The key


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