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I'm Groot series "Groot grown legs!” "Groot has a mustache!" "Groot's a murderer!"

 I'm Groot series "Groot grown legs!” "Groot has a mustache!" "Groot's a murderer!"

A hoot and holler, this series is a whole ton of fun. Stand alone adventures that don't truly connect to the greater MCU but are more than worth checking out! 

I Am Groot is directed by "Bad Jubies" stop-motion adventure time series director Kristen Labour, and is a sweet, non-dialogue series about Baby Groot who lets his curiosity lead the way towards... Fun little adventures. These short, hilarious episodes are a fun animated spin-off from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but they also have a dark sense of humor stemming from Groot's own mood and behavior.

For people interested in the larger Marvel universe, no matter how small or insignificant the series is, it takes place between the two Guardians Vol. 1 and 2, focuses on growing a Groot from a small shrub and reviews our little hero (most of the time) as seen in Vol. 2. It is lively , but lacks the majestic immensity that gives a feeling of intimidation. He's ridiculously silly but he doesn't shy away from being fierce if offended.

Vin Diesel returns as Groot's voiceover (along with another Guardians actor (Bradley Cooper) in one episode) with his most grotesque, boisterous, raucous performance to date. I Am Groot may seem like a light show given its few episodes and how short they are (5 minutes), but these little episodes have their own charm, a warped beauty that stems from Groot's eccentricity and unscrupulousness at times. Almost every chapter culminates in an "unexpected change" of some sort, with Groot's unpredictable behavior winning.

These Groot mini-episodes may not be tense per se, but they are different from other projects like Baymax! For example, that was shown last June, which features the character of a hero with a tender heart. But Groot is a chaotic yet cheerful character, who seeks out excitement and/or rowdy fun in the little bits of cosmic life. Whether he's aboard the Eclector or exploring an alien world filled with jungles, Groot is like a restless child, eager to find amusement. It's the only driving force here. Well... that and the need for him to express his displeasure.

Alert! Spoiler!

You'll see Groot playing with mud, skiing on some soap, fighting a dwarf tree, jousting at a dance, and sneaking around like a naughty kid. His rascal demeanor is actually pretty cool, as this kind of miniseries rarely shows us a villain. It is true that he is learning and growing, but there is always a fickle mood inside him that unleashes itself in these episodes a bit, allowing for some unexpected events.


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