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"Spiderhead" Another commercial movie from Netflix!

Spiderhead ,  Netflix, Chris Hemswworth 

After the success achieved by director Joseph Kosinsky in directing the movie "Top Gun Maverick", which grossed more than 800 million dollars. The film now ranks as the highest-grossing film of Tom Cruise's career. "Top Gun: Maverick" is also currently the highest-grossing movie of the year in North America, reinforcing Tom Cruise's quote "make something worth watching and people will come."

Based on the short story by Saunders "Escape from Spiderhead but given a distinct stench by self-amused “Deadpool” screenwriters Rhett Rheese and Paul Wernick, “Spiderhead” strives for a disquieting quirkiness. 

But whatever “Spiderhead” is trying to sneak inside its drama, doesn’t shine bright enough. The movie can be so backwards that even its lead can seems out of’s initially interesting to see Hemsworth play someone as disarming as he is manipulative, but he becomes a heavy handed expression of the movie’s limited statements about science, power, control. He makes a stronger case for being recast, for someone who doesn't just take the "hot scientist wearing glasses" trope back.  

In one way or another we note the stereotyping in the composition of the movie "Spiderhead". In terms of the nature of the prison, like if we are watching "Equals" which it is a medical prison, and its prisoners are among those convicted of either premeditated or unintentional murder cases. The film takes us from the perspective of the live medical experiences of prisoners and of course only two supervisors who control the experiences . But all this medical facility is the idea of the handsome doctor " Abnestie" played by "Chris Hemsworth".

While critics praised Joseph's direction and re-nostalgia, the first part of the movie "Top Gun". Joseph is directing the Netflix movie  "Spiderhead ". Which was fine in terms of directing and moving the camera in a simple and clear way. It is known about him. He likes to manipulate the princess to show different angles of photography, capturing exciting scenes that the audience will admire.

Kosinski says he will only use camera-generated effects to make viewers feel like they're behind the wheel at 200mph, in the film, titled Formula 1 by "Brad Pitt" and co-produced by seven-time world racing driver " Lewis Hamilton".

Although it starts out differently and promisingly, "Spiderhead" is pseudo-sci-fi that treats its most intriguing elements like an afterthought with no epic coherence to its events, missing the chance to be an outlandish, inspiring and memorable idea apart from the disappointments and pitfalls of its own. shaping the story.

This is not surprising due to the type of scenarios that Netflix produces to become commercial films that justify its platform without testing or including the artistic sense and creative cinematic thought.


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