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Tom Hanks latest movie "Finch " may predicts the future !

Tom Hanks latest movie "Finch " may predicts the future ! Tom Hanks . Finch 2021 review

Hollywood star Tom Hanks has released his new movie "Finch", started streaming this Friday, on the Apple TV Plus service.Hanks, who plays in the film the character of a man who lives alone with his dog after The sun's rays have destroyed the ozone layer and most of the human, animal and plant life on Earth with devastating radiation. Now, even a few seconds in sunlight burns exposed skin. Finch, who was an engineer and computer genius, is loner and designer by nature. Making tools and researching a high-tech protective suit kept him busy and helped him survive for 15 years after almost everything ended., 

Hanks confirmed that he has had enough of playing isolated roles.He said in an interview :"I want my next character to be part of a band where 18 people sit in a room at the same time, and we can all talk to each other and listen to each other,"

Hanks is wonderfully watchable as always and easily grabs the screen with shorter appearances than the other human actors. As in his brilliant film Castaway, Joe Willems' cinematography is astonishing and consistent, finding mesmerizing beauty in devastated landscapes and making one short moment of rest seem almost miraculous. But the simple scenario remains to be expected, and is often cruel and heartbreaking. Hanks does his best with Finch's discoveries and his encounters with robots and the variables of nature, but through a bad scenario, he appears to be unbalanced.

Hanks confirmed at a press conference about the release of his new movie: "There's something nice about it too, because you're on your own and there are no rules between you, the director and the script... But discipline and feeling happy while working on a big movie with other people is really the best way to go through life. This often makes it easier not to get crazy while filming.

However, it must be speculated that despite the weak scenario, there is reality on one side.. a reality that does not necessarily affect our present, but rather our future....

The United Nations announced the launch of the "Act Now" campaign, which aims to reduce global warming and take care of the planet, with the increase in natural disasters in different regions of the world, such as floods in Germany and forest fires in Canada and the United States. “Water stress”, 122 million people will be affected in Central America, 28 million in Brazil, and 31 million in the rest of South America.

In a rare event, the floods that hit Europe and parts of Germany after instinctive rain have claimed more than 150 lives so far. And the climatologist and former vice-president of the United Nations Climate Authority, Jan Guzel, explained that "the air masses loaded with a large proportion of water, remained in place in the atmosphere for four days due to low temperatures, and the result was heavy rain, between July 14 and 15, its level reached to between 100 and 150 millimeters, or the equivalent of two months of rain.”

Thus, although the film is just a fictional story, it is an expected scenario that may affect the world in the coming years, and indeed,,, perhaps we will then rely on robots only!


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