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The adventure of Moroccan youths in clandestine immigration goes beyond "The Great Escape”

The adventure of Moroccan youths in clandestine immigration goes beyond "The Great Escape” 

The Great Escape” is a famous American movie about the escape of prisoners from a Nazi camp during World War II, starring Steve McQueen and James Coburn. The title of the film corresponds to the operation carried out by 24 Moroccan youths last Friday, after they succeeded in escaping to Spain from a plane that was destined for Turkey.

And if the news of secret immigration by sea boats has become familiar, this time it records a new event that is reflected in the success of dreamers of the European paradise diverting the destination of a passenger plane that took off from Casablanca to Istanbul towards another airport. If a Moroccan young man claimed a sudden illness, the captain had only to declare an emergency and disembark at the nearest airport, and it was the Spanish airport of Palma de Mallorca. As soon as the plane landed and the patient was taken to the hospital, 24 young men released their legs to the wind, leaving the plane through the runway and landing. The airport experienced an exceptional state of closure for a few hours, which led to the change of other flights to nearby airports.

As happened in the “Great Escape”, where some succeeded in escaping and others fell into captivity again, 12 young men succeeded in bypassing guards and fences and were like James Coburn in the aforementioned movie, while 12 others were arrested, including the traveler who claimed illness, and their end was Like Steve McQueen who came back to play baseball in his cell.

Despite the difference between a film that narrates the escape from a Nazi camp and the escape of young people from unemployment and poverty to the “European Paradise,” these young Moroccans outperformed the movie “The Great Escape,” according to the saying, “Reality sometimes exceeds imagination.” The operation of organizing the “Great Escape” is a planning that was subject to the commando operations strategy. What remains interesting is where the owner of the scheme was inspired by the idea of ​​the “Great Escape”? Then how do I convince more than twenty young people to get involved in it? Then the difficult question in the game Who Wins a Million: How did these young men manage to keep the secret during weeks of preparation, and no news about the scheme was leaked to their family members or close friends, but even to the authorities. Desire to emigrate may be behind 'holy mass silence'

Regardless of the criminal aspect, these people deserve an Oscar for planning, that is, the plot of the script, and unfair acting. They were adept at controlling the secret and their feelings and behavior as they left Morocco, and then they evaded the Civil Guard and went in all directions.

 Of course, this unique flight would not have taken place without Algeria's decision to close Algerian airspace in the face of Moroccan planes that are now forced to fly across the northern Mediterranean. In the language of wars, it is the collateral damage of the Spanish-Moroccan conflict afflicting Spain.


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