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Colin Pitchfork, convicted of murder and rape in Britain

 Colin Pitchfork release 2021 , the raper and murder colin pitchfork

The first person convicted of using DNA .Colin Pitchfork, convicted of murder and rape in Britain, has been released

A UK man Colin Pitchfork ,who raped and murdered two schoolgirls in the 1980s has been released from prison, after attempts to keep him in prison failed.
Colin Pitchfork, now in his early 60s, was sentenced to life imprisonment for the rape and murder of Linda Mann and Dawn Ashworth, both aged 15, in Leicestershire, in 1983 and 1986.

Dawn's mother, Barbara Ashworth, has spoken out against the decision to release Pitchfork, saying "he should have been in prison for life". Life means life.
When she was asked how she and her family would deal with the killer's release, she said: "I am not able to deal with the news of his release, they should not have released him, and he should not be allowed to walk the streets again."

Her brother, Philip Mawson, 68, told the Daily Mail: "I'm not an advocate of the death penalty, but there are some big crimes for which it should be carried out, and it fits this category of crime.I pray that the people who live in the area where he is resettled do not pay the price".

Pitchfork, who was released on Wednesday, was the first man convicted of murder based on DNA evidence in 1988 when he confessed to his crimes.

In 1985, Alec Jeffreys, a research geneticist at the University of Leicester, first developed the DNA fingerprinting technology, with Jill and Dave Werett of the Forensic Service (FSS). Gill commented, "I was responsible for developing all DNA extraction techniques and demonstrating that it was possible to obtain DNA profiles from old blots. The biggest achievement was the development of a preferential extraction method to separate sperm from vaginal cells, and without this method it would have been difficult to use DNA." in rape cases.

Using this technique, Jeffries compared semen samples from both crime victims to a blood sample from Buckland and conclusively established that both girls were killed by the same person, except not Buckland, and Buckland became the first person to be exonerated by DNA fingerprinting.

Jeffreys later said, "I have no doubt that Buckland would have been indicted had it not been for the DNA evidence, which is a wonderful event."Until a forensic DNA test was used to secure the conviction of British rapist and murderer Colin Pitchfork, it played a role in thousands upon thousands of criminal cases.

While investigators were initially only able to identify a perpetrator or victim through a direct DNA sample, recent technological breakthroughs have allowed law enforcement to create suspicious profiles through familial DNA links using genetic genealogical databases.


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