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Update: Jamel ben ismail murder case

Jamal bin Ismail, Djamel ben ismail, Arba’ Nath Irathan
 tizi ouzou, algeria, fires in algeria   

After the heinous murder of Jamal Ben Ismail in the Arbaa Nath Irathan area, in the state of Tizi Ouzou. The Director of Security held a press conference in the capital, where he revealed some facts about the ongoing investigation into the murder case of Jamal Ben Ismail.
The Director of the Judicial Police revealed that the security services had opened an investigation into the case of murder, burning and abuse of the body of the late Jamal bin Ismail, and storming the security headquarters. 36 suspects, including 3 women, were arrested.

The Director of the Judicial Police revealed that the security services had opened an investigation into the case of murder, burning and abuse of the body of the late Jamal bin Ismail, and storming the security headquarters.
The Director of the Judicial Police said that 36 suspects had been arrested, he added: Among the arrested were 3 women, including those who incited the burning of his body, noting that some of the suspects tried to escape.

The suspect, who took the phone and the national identification card of Jamal bin ismail , said: “I entered the police car, took the phone and ID of Jamal Ben Ismail and get out of the police van, so that the police services could register it, fearing that the people would steal it.”
a second suspect stated, in video clips, shown during the press conference, that he got into the police car and hit Jamal because he heard from the audience that the victim contributed to the forest fires.

Another suspect said: “We helped put out the fires. We heard that suspects had been arrested for setting the fires. They were in a car without numbering. We followed the police car, and there was a large crowd in front of the police headquarters, and they attacked the deceased, and I hit him too, I ask for forgiveness, I don't usually make trouble, they cheated on me.”
Another defendant, a professor of Islamic sciences, who published a selfie with the body of Jamal bin ismail said: “a friend who came to Tizi Ouzou called me, and asked to meet me in the city of Arba’ Nath Irathan. I went to him and arrived in the evening at the city square, where the deceased was cremated. i put a picture of the body of Jamal bin ismail on my social networking page "Facebook" , and I said this is the one who was burning the forests, they burned him, but after a few hours I felt that I had made a mistake and deleted it, before I heard from social media that the victim was innocent.
The accused indicated that if he saw strange faces in the area, he was not used to seeing them there, adding that he doubted even his friend who wanted to meet him in the area.

While the woman suspect, who appeared in a video clip spread on social media, calling for the beheading of the body of the late Jamal bin Ismail, said: "I went with my friend to the Al-arba'a Nath Irathan area, to help the people there, because of the fires that hit the area... when we arrived at the city square, we saw They gathered there, where was the body of the late Jamal bin Ismail, I admitted that I called for his head to be cut off, because I was afraid as they suspected us and did not know how to act, all people do mistakes , my Lord forgive me.”

Shaqour explained that whoever stabbed the victim with a knife tried to escape to Morocco. but he was arrested by the security forces.

It is worth noting that the area of Arba Nath Irathan was cordoned off by the Sa'iqa forces, BRI, DSI, GOSP forces, also electricity has been cut off to all parts of the region, while security centers are being reinforced and city exits are closed.


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