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On his 63rd birthday, the secret behind Michael Jackson's style!

 Michael Jackson, Michael jackson 63rd birthday , Michael jackson style and fashion

The world celebrates August 29, the anniversary of the birth of the global singing icon and pop legend, Michael Jackson, who wrote his name in golden letters as one of the artistic legends that influenced the world of singing.

Michael Jackson started out as a singer in the family band, but soon made his way to become the lead singer of the family band The Jacksons.

In 1982, an album called Thriller was released that broke all records at the time after it became the best-selling albums in the world, and it topped the Billboard list of two hundred albums for thirty-seven weeks, and maintained its position within the top ten of this list for eighty weeks, with sales of 65 million copies worldwide.

Six years later, in 1988, he released an autobiographical book called "Walk on the Moon."The book added success as usual with albums, with 200,000 copies sold, and it was a New York Times bestseller.Not only did he succeed in the eighties, but he made a big start in 1991 after the release of his eighth album, Dangerous, and it became the highest selling album of the year in the world.

Michael Jackson's awards reached great numbers in line with his great success, after those awards reached 31 awards from Gwyneth Records International, 13 Grammy Awards, and the legendary Grammy Award. 

But just as his works achieved a huge numbers in music, so too his clothes achieved huge sales. do to it's designed in a distinctive and unique way. He is also classified as an icon in the fashion world and left his own imprint that is still referenced to this day. This is due to the hidden soldier behind the elegance and style of Michael Jackson, designed by Michael Bush.

Michael Bush wrote the book "The King of Style" in which he wrote the beginning of his personal and professional life and documented the most prominent stations that brought him together with King Michael Jackson from the moment he met him in 1985 until the death of Michael Jackson. Where their relationship lasted 25 years.

Of course, the fact that Michael Jackson had a personal designer did not prevent him from wearing other brands. It is known that Michael Jackson wore well-known brands such as Balmain and he loved John Galliano's designs.

The designer explained Michael Jackson's taste in clothing, and said that Michael was very shy, and his clothes were the opposite of his personality, and the purpose of it was that he wanted the audience to look and focus on his clothes and his dance, and not his appearance, so he was hiding in his clothes and wearing a hat that covered half of his face . The designer also mentioned that Michael was obsessed with perfection in his work and even in his clothes, and he developed his own art form and style that distinguishes him until today.

Michael Jackson's style described that he loves the military-inspired suits because the kings were so dependent on this look in the Victorian era that designer Michael Bush had to study with his assistant the history of kings and European military history with a focus on King Henry VIII because Michael Jackson was fascinated by him. The most famous military suit that Michael Jackson wore, inspired by King Henry VIII, was at the 1993 Super Bowl, and many celebrities imitated that suit in his honor.

Also, Michael Jackson was obsessed with the French Emperor Napoleon, so we notice in his suits a lot of royal medals and military badges, and he often used the leadership badge on his arm to distinguish him from others. In addition, he used personal symbols in his suits, such as the number 77. Because he is the seventh child in his family and he was born in 1957.

Of course, one of the most famous features and symbols of Michael Jackson's elegance are the gloves studded with 5000 beads of rhinestone. And rhinestone-studded stockings to draw the crowd's attention when he dances to the moonwalk. Designed by Michael Burch and sold after Jackson's death for millions of dollars.

Also, Michael Jackson was asking Michael Porsche to design clothes inspired by the wrapping of gum and sweets. And that was using the shiny cloth because he loved shiny fabrics even outside his artistic life. When Michael Jackson died in 2009, he was buried in a coffin plated with 14 karat gold, with a clear velvet interior. As for the burial clothes, Michael Jackson's sister Latoya called Michael Porsche and asked him to design a suit to bury Michael Jackson, but he refused and was crying hysterically, but Latoya insisted on him because Michael really loved and trusted him.

Designer Bush agreed to design the burial suit and said that it was the most difficult moment in his artistic career, and it took 5 days to design it.

 Inspired by Michael's favorite suit, "the white suit he wore in the Grammy field in 1993," it was never so sad dancer's suit. 

White embroidered with pearls because Michael loved pearls and adored the color white. As for the shoe, it was one of the same shoes that Michael used to dance with. (Michael Jackson used to allow designer Bush to interfere in everything except his shoes because he had been wearing and repeating the same shoes for 25 years) because he used them when he danced to avoid falling and slipping. He doesn't even allow it to be polished, wiped, or removed from scratches. (Designer Bush stated that Michael was very angry with him and scolded him once because he polished his shoes. So out of great care, Bush had to put Michael's shoes under his pillow to avoid anyone from interfering with his polishing or wiping ) .

Of course, regarding the shoes that Michael Jackson uses to balance on stage, there is a gap from the bottom in the form of a V. He got a patent on it because it helps him to stabilize on the stage.


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