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NASA plans to send humans to Mars !

 NASA, chapea , living in space, 

Step by step, NASA is trying to send humans on missions to Mars, not only for the purpose of temporarily exploring it, but also living on it. Of course, the agency does not have a timetable yet for such dreams, but at least it has started working on them. 
On August 6, it announced its need for volunteers for a unique experiment. the experiment is called CHAPEA, which stands for crew health and performance exploration analog, which means building a simulation of crew health and performance, in which a crew of 4 lives for a whole year in an enclosed space of about 160 square meters, and the agency is studying The lifestyle of this team during that period.

At the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, a giant 3D-printed unit is designed to give people the impression that they are on Mars. and even simulating a spacewalk as part of their mission.the experience also includes some challenges that an astronaut on Mars can face, such as limited station resources, how to exchange communications with delays from Earth, and how to fix expected and unexpected failures.
for Chapea mission, NASA is looking for people who meet certain requirements: to be US citizens or permanent residents, healthy, non-smokers, between the ages of 30 and 55, and good command of the English language. the applicant is also required to have a master's degree in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) from an accredited institution with professional experience, and at least 1,000 hours of flying an aircraft, which are the same criteria that the agency requires of applicants to work as astronauts.

NASA intends to repeat Chapea experiment for 3 years, starting from 2022, where the sum of its results will benefit the development of the work system that the agency is developing for the real Mars journey, which we do not know when it will happen, or if it will happen at all.
the aim of the Chapea mission is to assess how individuals might respond over the course of an extended mission on the surface of another world. Two more analog CHAPEA missions are set to take place in 2024 and 2025. the results will provide data that will have significant implications for future human spaceflight missions to the moon and Mars.
starting from 2022, the sum of its results will benefit the development of the work system that the agaency is developing for the real Mars journey.

It is worth noting. that the American Space Agency, NASA, announced in a statement on April 21. that It extracted breathable oxygen from the atmosphere of Mars, and thus this achievement will open new doors for future missions, as the oxygen gas produced from the Martian atmosphere can be stored to help operate the rockets.

Jim Rotter, associate executive director of technology missions at NASA, explained that this achievement was achieved by an experimental device the size of a toaster called "Moxie", which was carried aboard the PERSEVERANCE probe, and was able to convert carbon dioxide into Oxygen on the surface of Mars.
Rotter added:"Moxie still has more work to do, but the results of this technical trial advance our progress toward our goal of seeing humans on Mars someday," , referring to CHAPEA experiment .


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