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Daniel Day-Lewis The Cinematic Genius


Daniel Day-Lewis

Cinema / Oscars / Hollywood 

The English / Irish actor "Daniel Day-Lewis" won three Oscars as Best Actor in a Leading Role, a number that no actor has reached before him.

"As if humanity has begun... again in you... This is your birthday and our Thanksgiving." With these words, the Irish poet Cecil Day-Lewis welcomed the birth of his son Daniel in 1957 in London. The English / Irish with one character that he played in nearly twenty films over more than four decades. All the characters that "Day Lewis" played are engraved in the minds of cinema lovers, and each film is a unique and distinct case from the other, as he is one of the greatest Hollywood actors ever.

Tragedy or poverty was not an incentive for "Daniel" to act and change his life. On the contrary, he "acted" in order to integrate with the children of the middle class, and made strength to survive the riots of his peers after his family moved to the popular "Greenwich" neighborhood in London, where he was exposed He harassed children because of his different social status, and merged with them in order to face the harassment. He even committed thefts to several shops so that he would not be a stranger among them.

Daniel Day-Lewis did not realize the secret of his talent until his fourteenth year, as the features of his professional beginnings were shaped when his father enrolled him in a boarding school after his behavior became violent. boarding school; It is woodcraft, hunting and acting, and his transfer to another private school gave him a wider scope for innovation and creativity.

After graduating in 1975, he had to choose his career path. He initially chose to work in the luxury furniture industry, despite his distinction in acting on the stage of the National Youth Theater, and although he participated in a role in the movie "A Bloody One", his first movie in 1971. , where he got the role of extras, and the fee for this role was two pounds, and "Day-Lewis" at the time described that small experience as a wonderful experience, but it is paradoxical that he was not accepted in order to receive training in the luxury furniture industry, due to his lack of experience.

Daniel Day-Lewis was a skilled hunter and sniper for the roles he could come up with, although he turned down major roles in such successful films as The English Patient (1996), Philadelphia (1993), and Schindler's List. (1993), and the trilogy "Lord of the Rings" (2001), and every time he stopped acting, he was tickled by the genius director "Martin Scorsese", or "Steven Spielberg" to return, create and entertain the cinema audience.

Every role he played was like the process of labor and the birth of a new person, which is not an exaggerated description, but a fact that made Day-Lewis acquire a distinctive character from accepting the role until the completion of his work in the film. He will reincarnate her, or perhaps vice versa, as he was adapting himself so that the character he would play in the film would be a suitable template without any gaps.

This secret underlying the impersonation of his films can be understood with endless creativity, and its interpretation and understanding when we know that he studies his personality in all its details, and tries to search for hidden reservoirs that enable him to identify with them, and thus creativity in embodying the character, when he was assigned the role of a Czech doctor in the movie “Lightness.” Unbearable Existence" (1987), he learned the Czech language, although the language of the film's characters was English, but it was in order to acquire an accent, and so that he actually seemed Czech.

But what you do not know about Sir Lewis. A rebellious Irish citizen, resentful of the British Empire, he and his friend "Liam Neeson" always made statements that would put them on the black list of the royal government,

In 1993, Day-Lewis collaborated with "Jim Sheridan" in the film about an Irish citizen named "Jerry Conlin" who was falsely accused of working for the Irish Liberation Army known as the IRA, and the case known as the "Guilford Pub bombing" case in 1974, Conlan struggled with He delayed his freedom until he gained it after spending about 15 years in prison. Without a clear charge or sufficient evidence!

"Daniel Day-Lewis" chose to do this movie for several reasons, but it can be summed up as his passion and passion for the cause of his country, and perhaps after the role was close to "Liam Neeson" and "Mel Gibson", but the terrible insistence of Day-Lewis to play that character His patriotism stemmed from his desire to perform a national hero to be remembered by the Irish masses, and from his desire to rid the Irish of English domination, which he subsequently fell into...

"My left foot" the first Oscar

"Daniel Day-Lewis" was diving into the details of a life similar to the role he will play, until he reached the limit of staying in a wheelchair for months, when he played the role of a cripple in the movie "My Left Foot" that was shown in 1989, the movie that made his stardom, Where he played the role of the life story of the poet and painter "Christie Brown", who was suffering from a paralysis that made him unable to write or draw except using his left leg.

Day-Lewis wanted to excel in the role, and entered a rehabilitation center in order to learn to draw with his left leg, in order to imitate the character of the movie that he excelled in performing its features. The wheelchair has two ribs damaged, due to its daily sitting position, which mimics the sitting of the Irish poet and painter.

"Daniel" excelled in his role and identified with his character, who performed all his movements, and winning the Oscar was an inevitable result of his performance in that role. Indeed, if we go back to the film, we believe that the director brought a real patient with rickets to play the role, and we cannot at all know that the one who played the character is just an actor.

"In the Name of the Father"a masterful role-playing

As for his movie "In the Name of the Father", which was shown in 1993, he spent a period in a cell, also had to lose weight, and developed his Irish accent so as not to leave any room for creativity to escape from him in the performance of his role, and in the same year the great director "Martin" assigned him Scorsese "starred in the movie "Age of Innocence", which takes place in New York in the late nineteenth century, and he wore the clothes of that era for two months, and was wandering in the streets of the city, looking like a madman or a maniac.

There will be blood

Day-Lewis won his second Academy Award for his role in Thomas Anderson's "There Will Be Blood" (2007), but that didn't stop him from creating more.

The most remarkable aspect of the film is that of the genius performance of Day-Lewis and it can be said that he not only stars in the film but carries the entire film on his shoulders, employing all his experience and ability to move, perform, and express with the eyes, the trembling of the mustache and the blink of the eye that no one may notice, he not only impersonates the character and performs it with all its coarseness, isolation and ferocity in dealing with others from the outside, but also succeeds in infiltrating under the skin of the character and embodying its dead inner sense.

"There will be blood". an unprecedented work in cinema that will remain in the memory and there will be many films before we see a work similar to it in spirit, essence and artistic splendor .


The world was entertained by his role as US President "Abraham Lincoln" in the movie "Lincoln" (2012), directed by "Steven Spielberg", and "Day-Lewis" prepared well, as usual, to play his role.

Spielberg's show was frightening, as the role was microscopic and based on a private historical event, not public events. even though  Spielberg chased Daniel Day-Lewis for 9 years, wanted him before Liam Neeson to play ‘Lincoln’.

Day-Lewis did not hesitate much, and asked Spielberg for a year to prepare for this role, which enabled him to win the third Oscar and Golden Globe, Thus, he became the only actor to win three Oscars for a leading role.

  Daniel Day-Lewis was a skilled hunter and sniper for the roles he could come up with, although he turned down major roles in such successful films as The English Patient (1996), Philadelphia (1993), and Schindler's List. (1993), and the trilogy "Lord of the Rings" (2001), and every time he stopped acting, he was tickled by the genius director "Martin Scorsese", or "Steven Spielberg" to return, create and entertain the cinema audience.

Daniel Day-Lewis seems obsessed with escape, or his isolation may inspire him. after starring with director Thomas Anderson in "The Invisible Thread" (2017), Day-Lewis announced his retirement, but perhaps it's a sweet lie like hiding a mother playing with her child , to enjoy the moments of his passion while he waits for her to look at him again.


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