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Algeria: Investigation of 91 defendants in the case of Jamal bin Ismail

Jamal ben ismail. Jamel ben ismail murder case, Miliana city, ALgeria

Members of the Algerian security forces stand in front of the Sidi Mohamed court in Algiers

The number of those arrested in the case of the burning murder of the young Jamal Ben Ismail in the state of Tizi Ouzou, east of Algiers, has risen to 41 suspects who have been placed in temporary detention and the investigation of 30 others is still underway, at a time when a reconciliation initiative was crowned with success and the victim’s father received a “blood money” amounting to 227,000 dollars.

On Wednesday, local media reported that the investigative judge at the Sidi Mohamed court in the capital had ordered the temporary detention of 26 suspects in the case, bringing the total to 41.

According to state television, the suspects “face charges of premeditated murder, mutilation and burning of a corpse, attacking a police station, belonging to a terrorist organization, and acts of sabotage against state security.”

A few days ago, the television broadcast what it said were confessions of those involved in the killing of Jamal ben ismail in which they admitted their affiliation with the separatist "MAC" movement, which the authorities classify as "terrorist".

A delegation from the "Larbaa Nath Irathan" region went to the residence of Jamal's father in the city of Miliana, where they offered condolences and were able to complete an initiative for reconciliation and handed him a "blood money" of 30 million Algerian dinars (227,000 dollars).

Sheikh Noureddine Lamouri, a member of the delegation, said in a statement that the delegation included the head of the Peace Committee, Said Bouizri, Director of Religious Affairs, imams from the state, representatives of the municipality of "Larbaa Nath Irathan", and some municipalities of Tizi Ouzou.

He added that imams, dignitaries and representatives of official bodies received them “with all the welcome and pleasure.” After opening the session in the victim’s house with verses from the Holy Qur’an, “everyone agreed to deny the heinous crime and seek to extinguish the fire of sedition.”

He continued: "The sum of 3 billion centimes was handed over to the family of the late, then everyone was invited to a lunch in honor of the attendance , after which they went to the Miliana cemetery and stood on the grave of the martyr Jamal ben Ismail and read verses from the wise Quran and prayed for him for mercy and forgiveness.

Meanwhile, it was decided to postpone the press conference that was expected to be held, Tuesday evening, by the state prosecutor to present new details and facts about the murder of  Jamal ben Ismail. until the investigation is completed with all 92 accused.

On the other hand, the youth of the city of Miliana honored their friend, the artist, Jamal ben Ismail, by drawing a mural bearing his picture in the city square, and the street was also named after him.

Jamal ben ismail father crying at his son's poster


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