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World End , world gonna end soon !

World Ends, world gonna end soon!

This article explains most of the risks to the world

Everyone may link that the end of the world is represented in wars between countries after some countries race to obtain weapons of mass destruction, but the end of the world may be purely the actions of irresponsible people towards the planet from penetrations of nature or some of the scientific experiments that help to penetrate the natural balance.
by touching this topic, I will be completely distant from the end of the world according to religions, it is limited only to the theories of the end of the world among scholars and specialists.
2019 is the second warmest year, and this is not by chance or destiny, as we have already seen high level combustion in the Amazon and Australia's forests, so it is certain that 2020 and next years  hide many sudden disasters.
The United Nations' International Commission for Climate Change already published a detailed report last year in which it was stressed the necessity of countries moving quickly towards reducing the use of fossil fuels to keep the temperature rise below the level of 1.5 degrees Celsius. because if the temperature level increases, major and catastrophic shifts in climate and agriculture, and the possibility of human death in some regions are expected to result on the global level.

Countries around the world have all chosen their capitals on the coast of the sea or the ocean and thus selected as the capital make people condense on it, with a high population density

For example: 
  •   Mumbai has more than 18 million residents. 
  • New York 9 million people.
  • Shanghai 24.24 million people.
  •  Hong Kong has more than 7 million residents.
And from it, when the water level is increased at the level of an ocean, it will hit these cities, causing huge human losses.
therefor increasing environmental pollution and climate change, as the wrong positioning of the earth’s inhabitants leads to:
  1.  geological errors such as the occurrence of earthquakes and volcanoes.
  2. climatic errors that cause hurricanes and fires.
  3. and hydrological errors that cause floods and tsunamis.
 I think that this climate change will not ends and nations will not do a thing about it cause in their view this theory is way too far for happening even they start trying to solve it , it will be too late . so i advice you all readers to find an middle area in your country not in the coast nor in the south and stay in it , it's not known when gonna start ending.


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