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Corona Virus : a disaster by chance or by a plan!

Corona virus theory

It is planned or just a coincidence! 

The year 2020 is off to a fierce start, as everyone knows that China  " Wuhan specifically"
 was the epicenter of the outbreak of the deadly virus Corona.
There were many conflicting opinions about the virus’s emergence factor and the reason for its spread. the Chinese Ministry of Health announced that the virus had emerged from a laboratory that analyzes several types of viruses, such as plague, cholera, and corona, and others said that the virus first spread through animals and then passed on to people because they ate all types of animals, reptiles and insects ... etc
but a theory emerged stating that the virus was not by chance, but rather was planned to infect China in general!
There may be several factors that go in favor of this theory, given the high population of China and thus when the virus spreads it will reduce the population density of China or simply there is a hidden enemy of China who wants to destroy its economy. because when the virus spreads, it will be a state of alert for several countries that refuse to deal with China and thus lack of economic exchange it leads to a devaluation of the Chinese currency, from which the Chinese economy is destroyed.
But today we see that China is not the only one infected with this virus. South Korea has become a second focus for the virus, and Italy has also become the focus of the virus spread in Europe, and even Iran has become the source of the spread of the virus in the Middle East with high infection rates.
so we must be aware of this virus it's not something easy to deal with ! Because this chemical weapon may destroy the entire world in just days so countries must pay attention in all Complexes and transportation.
the time  that we have come to is very dangers cause you can't see your enemy clearly ! 
everyone is chasing time to hurt someone else without knowing the other one , let's stop this silly banality and just live in peace with who we love from friends and family cause nothing deserves your hate or your time to waste , leave everything behind and start over and am not talking just to the normal people even the governments around the world like the united state of America , France, China , Russia, Germany.... our community deserve to live in peace without being scared that someday some country will hit our society , cause we can't trust time because it's changing every second and we don't know if we are going to live forever , we can't even know if we gonna  be still alive the next hour what about other age ! 
only god knows and only him knows what time is hiding for us !
all i wanna say that this virus is not the end ! am believing that something else is coming to us maybe another deadly virus / hurricane / tornado or a crash of a tour ... 
cause disasters come in order to another one .


  1. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌼🌼🏡

  2. Great articles and great layout. Your blog post deserves all of the positive feedback it’s been getting. corona virus that kills human


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